New Year, New You: How To Upgrade Your Skincare Routine In 2023
New Year’s resolutions may seem corny to a lot of people. However, why cringe over something that has the potential to motivate us to do better? Even if it’s just for a couple of weeks. I try to be realistic when it comes to my New Year’s resolutions, so I never include things like “go to the gym 5 times a week” or “cook all meals at home”. That makes it just so easy for me to mess up and lose that initial spark that kept me going. But I try to make small steps each year that can help me take better care of my body and soul.
Skincare Resolutions For 2023
One of those things is getting better with skincare. Back in 2020, when many of us were spending our paychecks on skincare products that were trending on TikTok, I became quite the skincare addict. I loved trying out new products and creating elaborate routines. I had a different routine for each night of the week, which just proves how out of touch I was. I thought that this was the only way to get the skin of my dreams. Almost three years later, after having done a lot of research and wrecked my skincare barrier in the meantime as well, the one thing that I have learned is that less is more.
Less is more
After trying out hundreds of trending products in the last three years, I can confidently say that there is no reason to waste your money on 10-step-skincare routines. First of all, a lot of the products that I bought expired before I had the chance to use them. Skincare products have a PAO (period after opening, AKA the time in which you should use up your product after it has been opened) of 6 to 12 months. While that sounds like a long time, it really isn’t when it comes to skincare.
For example, most exfoliating products should only be used once to twice a week. And if you have four different types of exfoliators, there is basically no chance that you can use them all up in just six months. That’s why your first skincare resolution for 2023 should be to minimize the number of products that you buy. You are literally just wasting your money, and both your wallet and the environment are bleeding from it. Do your research before buying a new product, and try to sample it if you can.
Don’t fall for trends
I love trying out new trends. Makeup looks, manicure ideas, and styles. However, when it comes to your skin, you should skip them altogether. Especially the ones that you see on TikTok. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I tried a bunch of them out, not taking into consideration that my skin won’t fall back from them as easily as the one of the 19-year-old teenager demonstrating the trend will. Keep your skin barrier intact, and just use the products and methods that you know work for you. If you want to introduce a more aggressive product, ask your dermatologist or esthetician before you do it.

Stick to the basics
You probably didn’t expect an article telling you to minimize your skincare routine when you read “upgrade” in the title, right? Again, I have to remind you that less truly is more when it comes to your skin. I used to apply 7 to 10 layers of skincare products to my face each night, wondering why they aren’t working. The answer is pretty simple: because they can’t. If you use 2 toners and 5 serums before your retinol, how do you expect it to penetrate your skin? It won’t, and you will be left without the results that you desire. So make sure you only stick to the products that really work for you.
Katarina Van Derham
With a background in the entertainment industry, Katarina has gained experience in many aspects of media and showbusiness. As a former model and beauty expert, she has worked with dozens of Hollywood celebrities both in front of and behind the camera. She is often a judge of model searches and beauty pageants around the world. As a model and actress, Katarina has appeared on the cover of over 60 magazines worldwide and has been profiled on hundreds of major media outlets including CNN, FOX, and NBC. As an entrepreneur, she’s been profiled on FORBES, SHE MEDIA and BUSINESS ROCKSTARS, to name a few. She has appeared in 17 national and international TV commercials such as Pepsi, Nike, Dodge Ram, and Coors Light, as well as in music videos for international stars such as Dorothy, Tito Jackson and Andy Madadian, amongst others. Most recently, she played in the movie Unbelievable!!!!! which had a world premiere during the recent pandemic and the 7x award winning movie Crypto Heads, directed by Dan Gillin.