Hailey Bieber Opened Up About Her Ovarian Cyst Diagnosis
What They Are And How To Know If You Have One
The past year has been a whirlwind for Hailey Bieber. At the very beginning of the year, she suffered a mild stroke, and a month later she ended up undergoing heart surgery. Now, on her Instagram profile, she shared a new health issue that is affecting her — an ovarian cyst diagnosis.
The supermodel shared the news with her followers on Instagram, writing in a story: “I have a cyst on my ovary the size of an apple,” Bieber added: “I don’t have endometriosis or PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome] but I have gotten an ovarian cyst a few times and it’s never fun.”
She also posted the photo to refute speculations about her pregnancy, and at the end, she expressed her support for everyone who is going through the same experience. Because ovarian cysts are much more common than you might think.
What are ovarian cysts?
An ovarian cyst is exactly what it sounds like: a fluid-filled sac in or on the ovary. Most people with ovaries will develop an ovarian cyst during their lifetime, according to the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). These cysts usually form during ovulation, and most of the time they are small and generally harmless.
While most ovarian cysts don’t cause major problems, some can cause tremendous pressure, bloating, swelling, and pain if they get large enough. Usually, ovarian cysts just go away on their own, but in some cases, surgery may be needed for treatment.
Again, ovarian cysts can happen to anyone with ovaries and are fairly common, but certain health conditions can cause them to develop more often in some people. These include pregnancy, PCOS, and endometriosis – all of which Bieber ruled out in her Instagram Story – as well as severe pelvic infections.

Symptoms to look out for
In most cases, ovarian cysts won’t cause any symptoms at all. Especially if they are smaller in size. However, one of the first symptoms to look out for is pelvic pressure and pelvic pain.
But besides pelvic pain and pressure, a lot of women will also experience gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, bloating, and nausea. If the cyst is larger, you might experience a sense of heaviness or fullness.
If the cyst produces hormones, chances are that you will also notice changes in your menstrual cycle. Some women will also experience painful intercourse, unexplained weight gain, or urinary issues.
The bottom line
As we have already explained, this was just one out of three health struggles that struck the 26-year-old in 2022. Hailey was never shy to share her struggles with her millions of followers, and many even judged her for that. However, we have to applaud Hailey for being so open and honest about the less glamorous aspects of her life.
While ovarian cysts are in no way rare, a lot of women may still don’t know what symptoms they should be looking out for. But when celebrities with audiences as big as Hailey’s speak up, spreading awareness is much easier. If you have experienced any of the symptoms that we have listed, make sure to contact your physician and schedule an appointment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Katarina Van Derham
With a background in the entertainment industry, Katarina has gained experience in many aspects of media and showbusiness. As a former model and beauty expert, she has worked with dozens of Hollywood celebrities both in front of and behind the camera. She is often a judge of model searches and beauty pageants around the world. As a model and actress, Katarina has appeared on the cover of over 60 magazines worldwide and has been profiled on hundreds of major media outlets including CNN, FOX, and NBC. As an entrepreneur, she’s been profiled on FORBES, SHE MEDIA and BUSINESS ROCKSTARS, to name a few. She has appeared in 17 national and international TV commercials such as Pepsi, Nike, Dodge Ram, and Coors Light, as well as in music videos for international stars such as Dorothy, Tito Jackson and Andy Madadian, amongst others. Most recently, she played in the movie Unbelievable!!!!! which had a world premiere during the recent pandemic and the 7x award winning movie Crypto Heads, directed by Dan Gillin.