Common Reasons You Keep Clothes You Don’t Wear
Many women have closets filled with clothes they don’t wear due to various reasons. The problem is that having a pile of unused clothes will only make it difficult to decide which of these items you want to wear. The good news is that the solution to this problem is simple once you understand why you’re keeping these outfits. From there, you can learn to let go and get rid of them. So, what are the common reasons you keep clothes you don’t wear?
Reasons You Keep Clothes You Don’t Wear
You Don’t Want to Waste Money

Money is a common reason most women won’t let go of clothes they don’t use. To be specific, most of them don’t want to waste money by throwing away their clothes. For instance, the dress you’ve been keeping is quite expensive. However, keeping it in your closet will not get your money back. Instead, it will only take some closet space. When letting go of unused clothes, you can think of the lesson learned from this experience, which is making better shopping choices.
It’s Supposed to be a Part of Your Wardrobe

One of the most common reasons you keep clothes you don’t wear is because you believe they are supposed to be in your wardrobe. Today, many women buy trendy outfits. Unfortunately, not all of these clothes can look great on them or reflect their personality.
The good news is that you can understand which clothes will make you look confident once you start decluttering your closet. In fact, you can learn more about your personal style by creating a capsule wardrobe, which consists of items you’ll wear daily. From there, you’ll know which clothes to buy next time you go shopping.
Your Weight has Changed

Another common reason many women have closets full of clothes they don’t wear is due to weight changes. In this case, experts recommend keeping clothes that fit you. The reason is that having clothes in different sizes will only take up some space in your closet. Also, they will cause negative feelings, especially when you’re unhappy about gaining a few pounds.
If you’ve gained some weight, you can sort those outfits you love and keep them in a box. That way, you can still wear them when you reach your weight loss goals. From there, you can donate your other clothes.
Final Thoughts
Many women are guilty of having outfits they don’t wear. As presented, there are numerous reasons you keep clothes you don’t wear. Once you understand why you’re keeping these items, you can learn to let go of them. You can do this by decluttering regularly and assessing if the clothes make you feel good or confident. From there, you can organize your closet and keep the clothes that make you gorgeous and fabulous.
Katarina Van Derham
With a background in the entertainment industry, Katarina has gained experience in many aspects of media and showbusiness. As a former model and beauty expert, she has worked with dozens of Hollywood celebrities both in front of and behind the camera. She is often a judge of model searches and beauty pageants around the world. As a model and actress, Katarina has appeared on the cover of over 60 magazines worldwide and has been profiled on hundreds of major media outlets including CNN, FOX, and NBC. As an entrepreneur, she’s been profiled on FORBES, SHE MEDIA and BUSINESS ROCKSTARS, to name a few. She has appeared in 17 national and international TV commercials such as Pepsi, Nike, Dodge Ram, and Coors Light, as well as in music videos for international stars such as Dorothy, Tito Jackson and Andy Madadian, amongst others. Most recently, she played in the movie Unbelievable!!!!! which had a world premiere during the recent pandemic and the 7x award winning movie Crypto Heads, directed by Dan Gillin.