What to do with your old real fur coat if it’s no longer needed?
The world keeps moving forward, as does fashion. Real fur remains a hot topic as there are more and more laws coming into effect prohibiting raising animals solely for the use of their fur. California is leading by example, once again, as 2023 marks a historic step with the implementation of the law prohibiting the sales and manufacturing of new fur products. The countries of the European Union are now following.
Evolution is unstoppable, and we have a choice to either complain about it or accept it.
Real Fur Fashion Then and Now
Real fur used to represent wealth and glamour. It was trendy, especially in the 60s, 70s and 80s but slowly started to lose its appeal due to social changes. As the climate change crisis hit the top of the global agenda, less and less people became interested in this once-glamorous item. Women desire more sustainable fashion that spares animal lives, is friendlier to the planet and is more affordable. The overall style has changed drastically and now many people seek more chic fashion and have a minimalistic approach to their lifestyle. In other words, minimalism and real fur simply don’t go together. The “new rich” fashion style is simple and lighter. Just look at all the tech moguls and CEOs. That is the look of wealth in the 21st century.
Modern Woman and Real Fur Coats
Women wearing real fur coats today resemble the prostitutes of the 1980s, in my opinion. That’s a downgrading and unflattering look which falls under the ‘Hooker Fashion’ category. It also looks outdated. A modern woman wouldn’t wear it today, but she would wear its imitation, faux fur, which is more stylish and feels and looks lighter. Faux fur coats offer more varieties as they come in different cuts and colors compared to real fur coats which are heavy and shapeless. While some might argue the sustainability of faux fur, I believe the life of a species with a beating heart should become the most important object in this argument.

For discarding real or even faux fur, I have a perfect solution.
So, what to do with an old fur coat?
The very best thing you can do with your old fur coat sitting in your closet is to donate it to an outdoor animal shelter. In many cases, animals lay in their cages on the bare concrete floor. They are cold, and even freezing, especially in the winter time. By you donating your fur coat to a credible organization, you will provide an incredible warmth to an abandoned animal for some time. However, it is important that you cut across your fur coat before you donate it so it can’t be sewn back. This way you ensure that someone doesn’t snatch it and the coat doesn’t end up in their closet.
So, look for a shelter in your area or beyond, and give your fur coat back to who it belongs to, the animals.
Katarina Van Derham
With a background in the entertainment industry, Katarina has gained experience in many aspects of media and showbusiness. As a former model and beauty expert, she has worked with dozens of Hollywood celebrities both in front of and behind the camera. She is often a judge of model searches and beauty pageants around the world. As a model and actress, Katarina has appeared on the cover of over 60 magazines worldwide and has been profiled on hundreds of major media outlets including CNN, FOX, and NBC. As an entrepreneur, she’s been profiled on FORBES, SHE MEDIA and BUSINESS ROCKSTARS, to name a few. She has appeared in 17 national and international TV commercials such as Pepsi, Nike, Dodge Ram, and Coors Light, as well as in music videos for international stars such as Dorothy, Tito Jackson and Andy Madadian, amongst others. Most recently, she played in the movie Unbelievable!!!!! which had a world premiere during the recent pandemic and the 7x award winning movie Crypto Heads, directed by Dan Gillin.